Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 28, 2013

  1. E067 169 48
    Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago

    And then there was the Republicans who worked consistently as sabotaging the government, economy and our way of life. Then Boner bragged how little work they actually did.

    Let the trolling begin !!!!!

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    i_am_the_jam  about 11 years ago

    And the thing with the NSA…

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    jbmlaw01  about 11 years ago

    Is there any regulatory agency performing a necessary function? Seems their only real purpose is to generate fines and cash settlements to fund the corporate welfare preferences of the overlords.

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  4. Solaricious
    Solaricious Premium Member about 11 years ago

    People have seem to have forgotten that all the NSA snooping started during the previous administration. Remember when the EFF filed suit against AT&T for cooperating with the NSA back in 2006? While it’s sad that the current president hasn’t done anything to curb these abuses, the Constitutional violations need to be laid at the feet of the previous administration. (The deficit too, but let’s not get distracted from the half-truth at hand…)

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  5. Denny dimwit
    Luke McGluke  about 11 years ago

    When it started out a few years ago, I thought this strip would be a balanced look at both the right and the left through the unusual friendship of conservative Carmen and liberal Winslow. But its jokes seem to come only from Republican Talking Points memos and are only occasionally insightful or funny.

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  6. Lucy2
    IQTech61  about 11 years ago


    And as to how the Republicans destroyed our way of life – look at how the income gap has increased between the very rich and the rest of us since the Reagan tax cuts and deregulation.

    We need a lot of laws to be removed but deregulation and tax cuts have been a disaster for everyone.

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    rhtatro  about 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, the world is too complicated today for smaller government.

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    KPOM  about 11 years ago

    @RobertTatro, a complex world is an argument for a simpler government, not a more complex one.

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    KPOM  about 11 years ago

    @Robert Tatro, thanks to the complexities and technological advancements of the modern world, we’re living longer, have more ready supplies of water and food, and can more easily avoid and escape from danger. If anything, we need government less than we did 100 years ago, when all of those were in scarce supply.

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