The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for January 11, 2014

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    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago

    That remark of Joy’s was so stupid, i’m at a loss for words.

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    mikie2  about 11 years ago

    Particularly when you consider that Burl is a significant emitter of methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Are some people FOR global warming?

    I’m sure, what with this cold, cold winter, there are those who think an early Spring would be nice….but even among the global warming non-believers, I don’t recall ever seeing a PRO-global-warming contingent.

    So, yeah. Burl doesn’t have to think too deeply on that one.

    Action, though, is another story….. and understanding nil.

    I mean, aerosols only in the house…. lighter fluid on the barbecue only when it’s windy….drinking beer instead of water when the rainfall for the season is low….Joy is proud that he thinks of things like that.

    But tell him he shouldn’t drive that gas guzzler 8 miles every time his favorite Pringles are 25¢ off at Big Lots,and he’ll patiently explain…he’s doing his part by buying food he doesn’t have to heat.

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  4. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I remember an arts class I was taking in college……I had just finished a charcoal rubbing, & I wanted to “fix” it so it wouldn’t smear. I had a trusty can of Safeway brand hairspray at the ready, so: right there in the room: Fsssssssht!! The instructor, a babe-licious, hippy-type lady, had her back turned to me at the moment but barked: Whhhhhhhhhooooooo’s spraying INSIDE?? Take that stuff OUTSIDE & finish there, puh-leeze!! Oooph, did she give me what-for…..just rememberin’……

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    finale  about 11 years ago

    The find-it is the “up yours” symbol… works for this lot.

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    loveslife  about 11 years ago

    the earths been changing weather patterns for thousand of years.. Why worry about it now?

    Oh and I am neither Dem or Rep. I do wish it would be cooler today though

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    vldazzle  about 11 years ago

    Funny that no one commented on Burl saying that he does the least possible (because he DOES – always). I’m glad that my new friend is very reuse and recycle conscious- does everything about the same as I.

    I don’t even mind that our politics may be at odds (because I don’t find any difference between pols now-a-days) and we have plenty other in which to dabble. I’m starting to think this may be serious, and hope so. I have told him about my participation over here and that his punnyness would fit in nicely, but he has more hobbies than I.

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    Athelstane  about 11 years ago

    Warm is good. It grows things. Sad it is not happening any more than the 1970’s ice age or any other things used by the Totalitarians to seize more control over our lives.

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