Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for January 20, 2014
Certainly the most destructive vice that a person can have, more than pride, which is supposedly the number one of the cardinal sins... is self pitty. Self-pitty will destroy relationships. It will destroy anything that's good. It will fulfill all the prophecies it makes and leave only itself. It is so simple to imagine that one is hard done by and that things are unfair. That one is under-appreciated. And that if only one had a chance at this or if only one had a chance at that...things would have gone better. I almost wanted once to publish a self-help book saying...How to be happy. And people would buy this huge book...and the first page would just say. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and you will be happy. And that's what the book would be. And it would be true. It sounds like "oh, that's so simple." But, of course, it's not simple to stop feeling sorry for yourself. It's bloody hard. -Stephen Fry
jemgirl81 about 11 years ago
This is a great one!
Ida No about 11 years ago
A shorter version, which fits more easily on a t-shirt is: âGet over yourself.â
Ironhold about 11 years ago
This one is almost bad enough to make me consider dropping this strip.[]A lot of people who are that far down are mentally ill. Telling them to just âcheer upâ or âjust get over themselvesâ is only going to make matters worse. []These people need patience to a certain degree, and perhaps even professional medical assistance.
jud03005 about 11 years ago
If a comic strip offends you so much â drop the stip, dude.
I read it because even if I have an undaignoised mental illness, a bit of encouragement has the placebo effect to make a small difference. Sometimes that small difference is enough to assist me in getting through the day.
Anyone who makes positive vives in this world should be praised, not unsupported because they arenât perfect. Karma.
j2p2 about 11 years ago
This is great stuffâprobably one of my favorites to date.
SherylKirby about 11 years ago
Context is important with this one. Actor Stephen Fry has been very public about his own mental illness and suicide attempts.
bmcnichol about 11 years ago
@Darren, no comic strip is appropriate for everyone. some people need medical help. Some people (like me) need the occasional kick in the pants. Some people need a kick in the pants to get medical help. Take what you can use and leave the rest.
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 11 years ago
Hi Gavin. I appreciate, in this strip: 1) the way your colors gradually shift > warmer tones as the man takes on a more positive attitude 2) the upbeat ending, 3) names and titles for people who want to go deeper with these authors, 4) That you do leave it uncertain (yet hopeful) whether the fellow will stick with his exercise program, and will turn a new leaf. And, in balance, also, there those with mental illness, & neurological chemical imbalances, who do do much better with medication. Exercise and postiive âCarpe Diem!â attitude can go a LONG way toward overcoming depression and âliving in the pastâ (or in the future!) So, Bravo, G., for addressing these things, in a medium known for its superficiality!!
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member about 11 years ago
PS, Gavin, you need to have more variation / variety with the female characters â the moms, wives, exâs, possible girfriends. They all seem to be perky, freckle faced, red haired slender women (or girls). Varietyâs the spice of life!
Rocky Premium Member about 11 years ago
This has quickly become one of my favorite comics.It has made me smile, made me think, and in general made each day I read a new strip a little better.Thank you, Gavin!
Troy about 11 years ago
Interesting timing. Iâve been wallowing in self pity all night. and it is bloody hard not too. But maybe, maybe I will give it a tryâŠ
Italian Princess about 11 years ago
I love Stephen FRy but even he has admitted to seriously considering suicide even recently
haveanicesummer21 about 11 years ago
this is one of my favorite zen pencil strips
kaffekup about 11 years ago
I agree, this is a good one.