FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for December 23, 2013

  1. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  about 11 years ago

    APT3G: The thread about Tori and her boyfriend has been left hanging. Don’t evil people in this strip get punished?

    MARY WORTH: On and on and on. When will Mary decide to dump Ken?

    REX MORGAN: Why must a glass of water be cold? So that Sarah can have something to report to her parents about Kelly and Niki?

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  2. Florchi 2
    florchi  about 11 years ago

    MARK TRAIL: A commenter at jsonline says, “It certainly took him a long time to dig that hole.” I agree…it’s dark in today’s strip (but it wasn’t dark when he started digging the hole…in Saturday’s strip). However, I really like how the artist has used blue coloration to portray the nighttime basket burial. APT 3-G: I like Luann’s comment in panel 2.

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  about 11 years ago

    Judge Parker – I don’t think she quite understands the seriousness of the situation.Rex Morgan – I don’t think Sarah cares whether the water is cold or not. She just wanted to break up the kiss because she is jealous.

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  4. Th
    marvee  about 11 years ago

    Judge Parker- David’s right!Rex Morgan – “I’m thirsty” is a time-honored excuse for not going to sleep. Sarah thinks fast about the refrigerator.“A3G* – Is it significant that she talks about saying goodbye to Cole and didn’t mention Marty, her student about whom she was concerned? I agree with Arye about the runaways with his parents’ car and Cole’s $500. This strip leaves the most stuff off-screen.

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  5. My boys
    woodworker318  about 11 years ago

    Phantom: Very dramatic.

    Rex Morgan: Sarah is mad and being a pain because she can’t spend time with Niki.

    Mark Trail: Some animal is going to smell the syrup and dig up the baskets.

    Mary Worth: Ken’s hair lost it’s yellow color between panel 1 and panel 2. Not too much consistency in this strip.

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