Ginger Meggs by Jason Chatfield for January 12, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 11 years ago

    Last time I checked, California and Hawaii, like Australia, are in the Pacific coast (West). I come from the West Coast too: Washington (no, not Washington, D.C., which is in the East).

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    stuart_harrison  about 11 years ago

    I suggest you check again, templo – neither Hawaii or Australia qualify as any coast of the. Hawaii is mid Pacific Ocean and Australia is all the way across!

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    SydneyCityTV  about 11 years ago

    Re: the graffiti, If it’s technology related I guess it the instructions could also be hidden on a CD-ROM they provided or perhaps even as a PDF file on the internet.

    As for the comic itself, now that’s what I call a no frills way of travelling! Although I must ask why Ginger and Benny seem to look happy in that last panel? In that same image, Hookey definitely looks like he’s having second thoughts!

    Regarding the Ocean talk, I’m pretty sure that at least part of Australian waters are technically in the Pacific although the Coral & Tasman Seas (both of which cover a huge area in their own right) are closer to land of the Eastern States as far as I’m aware. That’s not forgetting the various harbours, rivers, bays, beaches, etc.

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    nerdhoof  about 11 years ago

    Why do they look happy in the last panel? Probably because they’ve been paid for the trip.

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    Ginger Meggs  about 11 years ago

    When you fly from Australia to the US, you cross the Pacific. You can go SYD→LAX (14 hours) or you can be wiser about it and stop in HON or WEL (in NZ) – Either way, California is on the West Coast.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Hee hee hee!

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