La Cucaracha's 2014 Non-lyin' Mayan Prophecies The Mayan apocalypse will again be postponed, this time because of a failure to convert Mayan to metric.
Umm…It should be “Maya Prophecies” and “Maya Apocalypse”; Mayan should only be used in reference to the language. I realize this is not the popular way of using the words, but as any anthropologist/archaeologist working in the area would point out, it is the correct way.
@pschearer, So much “human scale” that the dollar and now even the pound sterling are DECIMALIZED (good-bye shillings and pennies). Maybe like in Manga Reva a binary system would be better
Dunwich Premium Member about 11 years ago
Umm…It should be “Maya Prophecies” and “Maya Apocalypse”; Mayan should only be used in reference to the language. I realize this is not the popular way of using the words, but as any anthropologist/archaeologist working in the area would point out, it is the correct way.
SKJAM! Premium Member about 11 years ago
And of course we lose the rhyme scheme doing it the correct way.
TheEtruscan about 11 years ago
And it is no a shame that in the 21st century some people stil use Fahrenheit, miles and pounds?
TheEtruscan about 11 years ago
is no = is not, sorry.
pschearer Premium Member about 11 years ago
It’s “wreak havoc”, though the error is common and understandable.
TheEtruscan about 11 years ago
@pschearer, So much “human scale” that the dollar and now even the pound sterling are DECIMALIZED (good-bye shillings and pennies). Maybe like in Manga Reva a binary system would be better
TheEtruscan about 11 years ago
Don’t you like the con trolls swarming around Lalo