Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for December 21, 2014
Calvin: There" Calvin: "Now we need to get this on the roof" Calvin: "I've been thinking they say Santa knows if you've been bad or good, right?" Hobbes: "Right" Calvin: "But think how many kids there are in the whole world! Nobody could be watching every lid every single minute! I mean, Santa's OLD! He probably takes naps!Q" Calvin: "The way I figure it, Santa must just make a few random checks on us once or twice a week" Calvin: "Sure. He'd catch enough bad kids that way to scare everyone else into being good most of the time. He'd create the impression he's watching more than he really is!" Hobbes: "Pretty shrewd" Calvin: "Yeah. But now that I'm on to him, I'm going to go smack Susie with a snowball! If I do it quick, the odds of Santa watching me at that exact moment are virtually nil!" Hobbes: "What if Susie tells on you?" Calvin: "Ooh, I didn't think of that! She's a girl, so she probably WOULD snitch!" Calvin: "Phooey" Calvin: "Well I sure hope Santa's watching now, seeing as I'm being so good" Hobbes: "Unwillingly good, but good nonetheless"
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
As about good as he can get.
Alexander the Good Enough about 10 years ago
Pascal’s Wager as applied to Santa Claus?
In any case, Merry Saturnalia and a Happy Winter Solstice!
watmiwori about 10 years ago
Hobbes can be a real party-pooper!
LobosSolos Premium Member about 10 years ago
Santa has had behavioral pattern recognition software going for centuries. Where do you think the NSA and Homeland got it from.
rshive about 10 years ago
Calvin has this motivation thing figured out.
Hobbes Premium Member about 10 years ago
Even if Calvin throws the snowball and Susie tells Santa on him, the consequences could be relatively insignificant in comparison to the noodle incident.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 10 years ago
Just a moment of reflection on this fine, and surprisingly warm Sunday morning. I’ve been faithfully following C&H since it’s inception. At first I related Calvin to my kids. Now he’s the perfect model for my 6 year old grandson. In more ways than you can imagine. I still read the strip every day. It is amazing that a comic strip of this vintage is so incredibly popular that it stands on its own. The demand keeps it going, and by the comments I read, it still stirs the pot from time to time. All Hail the Great and Powerful Watterson.
Marathon Zack about 10 years ago
Merry Christmas!
Mike 17 about 10 years ago
The self righteous shall perish. Laughing with Calvin and Hobbes will last an eternity
tmick2001 about 10 years ago
Love the philosophy that this strip incurs among posters!
J Short about 10 years ago
My 2 cents.This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
Dalai Lama
Number Three about 10 years ago
Am I dreaming?
Max Starman Jones about 10 years ago
Interesting to note here that this comic is named for two outstanding philosopher/theologians of history.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 10 years ago
Still counts.
P51Strega about 10 years ago
You miss the point, an atheist is such because of a strong conscience that forces the introspection that leads to the conclusion that there is no god. One without such introspection will likely continue nominal belief in what ever he was taught.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
I can’t disagree with you on the concept; but, I think it is because of the atheists and muslims and many others with their so-called social agendas, those of us who consider ourselves to be good Christians are getting a very bad rap! For those so-called “non believers”, I feel sorry for you and I am confident everything will get sorted out in the end; whenever that is!.This is a general comment and not singling out any one particular individual…
ttom2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Santa Claus is like the IRS, he may not be watching everyone, but why take a chance. Especially if you are a Conservative, and Obama sics Lois Lerner on you.
Karaboo2 about 10 years ago
A good snowball gone to waste. Oh well, its the thought that counts Calvin.
cosman about 10 years ago
Then i guess there’s no atheistic agenda to stigmafy the word “Christmas” from american social vernacular..?
Madzap about 10 years ago
Anyone can justify anything one wishes. For example, Christians justified the Inquisition, the killing of Jews and slavery. Many Christians justify discrimination against homosexuals and atheists today.
I’m an atheist. I’m married, am faithful to my wife, and we adopted two kids from difficult, impoverished situations. I happily pay my taxes and donate to charity. As an avocation, I’m a doctor who works with patients with chronic renal disease at end stage of life. I can’t always do much, but I do what I can. And I don’t need to believe in the supernatural to do that.
lizilu about 10 years ago
Do you pray to Hobbes?
davetb1956 about 7 years ago
At the very least Calvin should have used the snowball to target practice to improve his aim.