That the shepherds were out allowing their flocks to graze freely suggests that it was during the warmer part of the year. So March – July sounds reasonable.
Re: the date Christmas is celebrated. Yes, its current date is taken from the Roman Saturnalia and winter solstice from the pagans. Also, astronomers say that the star configuration was not correct for that period. And there is the grazing sheep thing as well. A couple of other scientific things to bear that out, as well.
We’ve been over this before here. First, that’s Dana- not Rita. Second, some readers are confused by the fact that I don’t draw ridiculous fantasy women with five inch waistlines. Dana’s proportions are much closer to a real woman’s- not a Barbie doll’s.
I noticed long ago in Calvin and Hobbes that, as the years went by, his parents got wider shoulders. They still had the cartoony heads they started with, but their bodies became more realistically proportioned. But for me real shoulders made the heads look out of place. So that’s my one major cheat.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago
As Jay said “Some consider it.” Others say March. Ed may have ’em all marked on his calendar.
Ironhold about 11 years ago
That the shepherds were out allowing their flocks to graze freely suggests that it was during the warmer part of the year. So March – July sounds reasonable.
NWdryad about 11 years ago
Yeah, I noticed Dana looked sort of plump. I think it’s just post-holiday fat. She’ll probably have it gone in a snap of her fingers. Literally.
NWdryad about 11 years ago
Re: the date Christmas is celebrated. Yes, its current date is taken from the Roman Saturnalia and winter solstice from the pagans. Also, astronomers say that the star configuration was not correct for that period. And there is the grazing sheep thing as well. A couple of other scientific things to bear that out, as well.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago
We’ve been over this before here. First, that’s Dana- not Rita. Second, some readers are confused by the fact that I don’t draw ridiculous fantasy women with five inch waistlines. Dana’s proportions are much closer to a real woman’s- not a Barbie doll’s.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago
Some people just see their soapbox sitting there, and they can’t resist getting up on it.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago
Although I do tend to give them more sloped shoulders than is normal. That just seems to look better with cartoony heads.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago
I noticed long ago in Calvin and Hobbes that, as the years went by, his parents got wider shoulders. They still had the cartoony heads they started with, but their bodies became more realistically proportioned. But for me real shoulders made the heads look out of place. So that’s my one major cheat.