The Duplex by Glenn McCoy for January 27, 2009

  1. Missing large
    R.Khalife  about 16 years ago

    the difference in manners btween us ladies n the men :p

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    dirtmusic  about 16 years ago

    Oh, so that’s what it means.

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    dreaded  about 16 years ago

    eno gets 10 points for flexibility

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  4. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    Where SHOULD one chew their toenails if not at the table??

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  5. Old coot
    oldseadog  about 16 years ago

    It’s hard to do standing in line at the bank.

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  6. Comic face
    comicgos  about 16 years ago

    Typical - notice HER elbow is on the table while she is telling Mitzi to take hers off the table. I had a Mother like that who would add, “Do as I say, not as I do”!

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  7. Bbrains 09 08 19
    stonehenge1951  about 16 years ago

    At least the dogs have manners.

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  8. Dog
    robert423elliott  9 months ago

    When did dogs get elbows? I guess about the time they learned to talk? A comic strip thing?

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