The Duplex by Glenn McCoy for April 16, 2009

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    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    Doe this look good on me honey?

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  2. Dragon
    Chuck2009  almost 16 years ago

    Well at least they had a couch to flop down on - most places only have two small narrow wooden stool for husbands … if that at all.

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  3. 2011 0615 1745.seamus
    sarge112751  almost 16 years ago

    To the guys - When (or IF) found in this situation, remember;

    “You have the right to REMAIN SILENT” and I suggest you do so! Because ANYTHING you say, WON’T be taken down, but it can AND WILL be used against you at SOME point in time or another! (And don’t even consider an attorney!)

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  4. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 16 years ago

    how can us guys answer the proverbial question “does this make me look fat” when if we answer truthfully they hate us and if we lie they hate us more

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  5. Comic face
    comicgos  almost 16 years ago

    Why retailers haven’t installed big screen TV’s and started serving beer to the men waiting is beyond me.

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    fritzfrye  almost 16 years ago

    She: Does this make me look fat? He: No, your fat makes you look fat.

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    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    In Greece while a man is waiting for a woman to try on clothes he is served free Ouzo. My wife scored leather coat that had the softest leather I have ever felt. Ouzo lubricates the man’s wallet.

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    myyahoonowork  almost 16 years ago

    He’s not dead. He’s just resting.

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