I gotta pay tribute to our cable company….the outages are so rare for overall use……everynow now, a then a channel or two is out for awhile but I’ll say never over 6 or so hours….UNLESS some construction crew cuts a line. Even the electric company has gotten really good, In the late eighties and early ninelies…we kept an oil lamp serviced but now it is at the back of the closet…still has oil of course. Our boontoolies living has gotten GOOD.
Llewellenbruce over 15 years ago
If Eno could hold down a job more than a week you could afford to go out more.
Dogsfriend over 15 years ago
Quit complaining Fang, and call the cable company, maybe Eno never paid the bill.
pearlandpeach over 15 years ago
I gotta pay tribute to our cable company….the outages are so rare for overall use……everynow now, a then a channel or two is out for awhile but I’ll say never over 6 or so hours….UNLESS some construction crew cuts a line. Even the electric company has gotten really good, In the late eighties and early ninelies…we kept an oil lamp serviced but now it is at the back of the closet…still has oil of course. Our boontoolies living has gotten GOOD.
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
They must be using the same provider as Danae of Non Sequitor.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
LOL–was thinking the same thing, DF.
It’s actually kinda scary how technology has painted us into so many corners.
bogeydog over 15 years ago
Is Fang reading my diary?
comicgos over 15 years ago
Gotta love Comcast!
slhansen07 over 15 years ago
Yet they keep watching, and drinking the brewskis.
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Very good Fang. Hilarious!
bald over 15 years ago
maybe they should switch to dish network
oh wait, every time there is a storm the dish fails
NoBrandName over 15 years ago
Test Pattern was the bestest game show evar!