Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 17, 2014
Dog 1: Welcome to dog hobo town. Hudson: Wow… Looks rough. Dog 1: Plenty rough all right. And I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to relinquish yer weapon. Hudson: Hmm? Weapon? Hudson: Oh, you mean this? Sorry, here you go. Hudson: Careful with that, I'm going to want it back!
Cindy Knight almost 11 years ago
I wonder where Poncho went?
pcolli almost 11 years ago
@StelBel (yesterday).I see my comment concerning Dogbert has disappeared.
StelBel almost 11 years ago
Geeez…..he’s been unconscious for days……. (or 15 minutes….who knows? This could all be happening in “dog standard time”.)
StelBel almost 11 years ago
In the meantime, back at Poncho’s house…..
nathanb08 almost 11 years ago
Wheres Poncho? and…will they every get back to civilization? I think if they stay any longer from home they might just become hobos them selves!!!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Nothing so dangerous as a Mail Man in a coma.
Destiny23 almost 11 years ago
I thought Poncho was the weapon!
Destiny23 almost 11 years ago
I can picture the mailman waking up, looking around and finding he’s surrounded by hobo dogs. “You know you’re having a bad day when…”
Perkycat almost 11 years ago
The mailman will never know all the experiences he’s having. I see he’s growing a beard so some time has passed.
BigNateIsGreat7 almost 11 years ago
This story line has been going for 6 weeks now!
StelBel almost 11 years ago
I’m amazed that Hudson is now carrying the mailman under ONE arm! He must be taking Underdog’s secret energy pill…
Hudson’s fantasy:
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
Where is Poncho?
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
@ StelYou need to add (and a banquet table) AstroAuggie DoggieBarfyDaisyBucklesMarmadukeMr. Peabody’OttoRen & Stimpy (maybe not)Underdog…and Yippie, Yappie and YahooiePhew!
lookwhatbobfound almost 11 years ago
2Old, what about doggy daddy?