Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 13, 2014
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Vintage 1990 Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! The Ongoing Adventures of Lyle The Talking Pig Lyle: Yo! The Swine Who Speaks 1990 Ruben Bolling Lyle's popularity was soaring, he was becoming a STAR! David Lynch: King of Boring TV? entertainment weekly SOME PIG! America's loony about Lyle, a pig with something to say! The public's curiosity about Lyle was seemingly inexhaustible! Reporter: Lyle, can you speak any other languages? Lyle: Es,yay, I-ay an-cay, eak-spay any-may other-ay anguages-lay! Vegas gigs, MTV guest V.J. spots, a sitcom pilot -- Lyle had hit it big! Host: That's right! Circle gets the square! LYLE Lyle: Stick with me, pal! Until suddenly, the slop hit the fan. During an interview... Interviewer: Lyle, word is that you've recently sold your name to a new line of products. Lyle: Yes, there's nothing wrong with that. Interviewer: But you've signed on with the PORK INDUSTRY!! You're being paid to encourage people to EAT OTHER PIGS!! It was true! Lyle had cashed in his popularity and was making millions hawking the tender flesh of his less articulate brethren! Lyle: Mm-mm! Don't be bashful! Grab a plateful o' pork and DIG IN! NEW REAL AMERICANS EAT PIG FLESH! Lyle's Pork Rinds "Fried Skin As U Like it!" Lyle's Pork Chops N Apple Sauce Entree Lyle's Frozen Quahogs Lyle: Yummy Lyle's Down-Home Pig's Knuckles Snax Lyle's Franks -n- Beans Lyle's Pigs In A Blanket Lyle's Bacon "Sizzle Me" Interviewer: Lyle, you've SOLD OUT your species! Lyle: Gasp! NEXT WEEK: How can Lyle possibly defend this swinish deed?!
jnik23260 about 11 years ago
Aren’t pigs naturally cannibalistic?
kapock about 11 years ago
George Washington, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy …… They all were known for helping slaughter other members of their species, and using it for their advancement. Lyle should start waving the flag.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 11 years ago
Isn’t a quahog a type of clam?
Malcolm Hall about 11 years ago
A quahog is indeed a clam, but I think Lyle is being indiscriminate in his endorsements.
TheWildSow about 11 years ago
TheWildSow about 11 years ago
TheWildSow about 11 years ago
“Any pig will eat a dead man, but to get him to eat a live one some education is required. Mason’s Sardinians were up to the task.”Hannibal — Thomas Harris
TheWildSow about 11 years ago
My point – and I do have one – is that many pork processing companies have a logo consisting of a pig in a chef’s hat. I Uncle Charley cooking HIMSELF? Is he a CANNIBAL? No one knows!
TheWildSow about 11 years ago
Besides, nowadays we Piggies are selling INSURANCE!