Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 20, 2014
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Vintage 1990 Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! The Continuing Adventures of LYLE The Talking Pig 1990 Ruben Bolling CONTROVERSY RAGES!! Lyle was making millions endorsing a line of pork products. Lyle: Doesn't my friend here look good?! Why don't you run out and buy some healthful and delicious pork products? Pig: Oink oink fatback loin side ham But a constant barrage of criticism and accusations of betrayal necessitated a public response. Lyle: There's nothing wrong with celebrity endorsements. Reporter: But you're encouraging the slaughter and consumption of members of your own species! Lyle: Well, now, that's taking a very short-sighted view. In fact, I accepted this deal in order to HELP my species! Lyle: Look, there are currently 51 million hogs in America! If pork consumption rises, that number will INCREASE -- my species BENEFITS! Lyle: As pigs, we have to face facts. Humans RUN THE PLANET! They support our existence because we happen to be TASTY. As macabre as it sounds, we must use that asset to ensure our success! If pork consumption decreases, our numbers decline! If people didn't eat us at all, we'd become as plentiful as other species that humans don't have a use for -- the condor, the grizzly, the snow owl... Vegetarians are doing us any favors! The more people there are that EAT us, the more of us there will be. Lyle: So enjoy! Eat us! All I ask is that you treat us well during the brief lifespan you allow us. Reporter #1: More humane conditions on pig farms? Reporter #2: Right. Cable TV, macrame classes -- that kind of thing! Enrich us! NEXT WEEK: America swept up in Lyle's "Love Pigs -- Eat A Pig" furor!
wcorvi about 11 years ago
Meat may be MURDER, but vegetarianism is GENOCIDE!
King_Shark about 11 years ago
I actually agree. In an article I wrote about the hypocrisy of militant vegetarianism, one of my points was that these animals only exist because people eat them and what’s required is better conditions in the meat industry.
tobybartels about 11 years ago
Es mejor morir de pie que vivir de rodillas. —Emiliano Zapata
TheWildSow about 11 years ago
Yet again:
kapock about 11 years ago
Lyle! Unexpected depths.
In “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, there’s a whole breed of livestock bred specifically to tell prospective diners that it wants very much to be eaten. No more guilt!
Malcolm Hall about 11 years ago
Capp was way ahead of the game when in invented the schmoo.
crlinder about 11 years ago
This isn’t so far from the truth. We do have a symbiotic relationship with our domesticated animals (and plants). Corn was a minor grass species in Central America until we domesticated it. Now it dominates entire ecosystems that were once full of native species that we don’t have any “use” for. Lyle’s talking points show quite a bit of insight into the human-domesticated species relationship.(Modern factory farming is, nonetheless, needlessly cruel and dangerous.)
Tommy1733 about 11 years ago
Once again TDB introduces a fascinating question. I can certainly see the point Lyle is making, however, it assumes that any individual pig understands that s/he is part of a planned life and that s/he would prefer an uncomfortable painful life because s/he knows it helps his species. I don’t think that is really how natural selection works because the cumulative result of each individual’s decisions and choices may or may not lead to success for the species, but each of the decisions is made on a selfish basis, without regard for the species. I think that for this hypothetical pig the choice would be based on an economic basis – which life offers the most comfort to me. I happen to think that humane farming can be a very decent life for an animal, but if they knew what was waiting for even the well-treated beasts at the end, would they prefer freedom? It’s hard to say. Such an interesting question though.
Rush Strong Premium Member about 11 years ago
M-m-m-m-m-m . . . snow owls.
jpozenel about 11 years ago
It’s all starting to make sense to me now.
craigwestlake about 11 years ago
I think that’s herbicide…