Drabble by Kevin Fagan for February 21, 2014

  1. Brad tele
    jpsomebody  almost 11 years ago

    Flip the cushion over and sit.

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  2. Thumb dr strange
    LeoAutodidact  almost 11 years ago

    My guy quickly learned that “Scootch” meant that I was sitting there, whether HE got out of the way or not. He’d grumble a bit, but as soon as I was settled, RIGHT onto the Lap!

    So no lasting harm done.

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    davbart92663  almost 11 years ago

    Business idea, think about it…extra seat cushions for your chair!

    Ralph moves the cushion, puts his extra in, and both are happy. Get two cushions, Ralph, because your dachshund will want one, also!

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    jbmlaw01  almost 11 years ago

    The cranky cat is in my lap, even as I read this.

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    metagalaxy1970  almost 11 years ago

    i just shoo mine away and not too long after, cat in lap. then leave in 1 minutes, comes back in 5 demanding my lap, leaves my lap in 1 minutes, comes back in 5, etc. Until finally, he settles down and actually stays there for a whole 10 to 15 minutes while my legs slowly go to sleep.

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  6. Th calvin464
    pshapley Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    I had a cat years ago whose name was Velcro, for exactly this reason.

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    I Quit  almost 11 years ago

    Flip the cushion over. Now it’s the cat’s choice, and not yours.

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  8. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 11 years ago

    Hey! You let the dog sleep in the chair and you sat in the dog bed yesterday. It’s only fair you let the cat sleep in the chair. Go find the cat bed! AND DON’T CALL THE CAT DUMB!!!!!

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  9. 00000
    alondra  almost 11 years ago

    1 – Disengage kitty’s claws from the cushion

    2 – Hug kitty in your arms for a minute or two, snuggle kitty.

    3 – Sit back down with kitty in your lap with more hugs and cuddles.

    4 – Set the kitty down on the floor. It will go find something else to do.

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  10. Chaos rides
    bryan42  almost 11 years ago

    With the cat that prefers to sit in my chair we actually talk in cat when I want the chair back. After 3-4 meowrs back and forth he either gets down or stands on the arm until I sit, when he takes his place upon my lap.

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  11. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  almost 11 years ago

    Removing a cat from a chair requires the proper tools. A water pistol will work. Or a can opener.

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    Jaythor  over 1 year ago

    Spray bottle.

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