Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 28, 1996
CLOUD: Oka! Let's get ready to...RUMBLE! Man: Uh-oh! MAN 2: Dang! CHIP CHIPSON, Celebrity Interviewer, speaks with APRIL SHOWERS!! "she's a drop!" CHIP: Many of our viewers might not realize, April, that you are the reason it's been raining all month! APRIL: That's right, Chip! From March 31st to May 1st, I control the weather! You've heard the saying: "April showers bring May flowers?" Well that's me! I make the lawns green, fill up the rivers and lakes, and help gardens bloom! CHIP: But, April...isn't it true that some people just don't like rain? APRIL: Hey, it's just water, folks! Get over it! CHIP: Well, Apriol, I certainly do admire your (*chuckle*) sunny disposition! APRIL: Thanks, Chip...and now I must be on my way! I've got to keep provifing liquid nourishment to the world! There are people out there who need me!
Silica Gel almost 11 years ago
You hate comics like this because you can’t read them. Don’t comment when you don’t like it, unless you have a reason for it.
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
wait wait wait, wasn’t thee another strip based on this but april was much more sad like gothic, she was also jealous of her sister, may right?
bob over 7 years ago
Rusty Sienna died today
hockey man almost 4 years ago
Legend‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‎of the Night over 3 years ago
Another thing like this pops up later, but April seems to feel resentful towards her sister May Flowers for getting all the credit for making flowers bloom when she’s to one to make it happen with rain.