Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 27, 1996
Welcome to the...HALLOWEEN FASHION SHOW!! with your hosts: Biff Biffwell! Chip Chipson! Biff: Well, Chip, Halloween is fast approaching, so it's time to think about COSTUMES! Chip: Right, Biff! Let's take a sneak peek at a few, modeled by our own NATE WRIGHT! Biff: Here's what I'd call a basic "Frankenstein" costume, Chip! Chip: FRANKENSTEIN? I thought it was supposed to be JOHN TESH! Biff: Now Nate's dressed as COUNT DRACULA! Chip: He looks BLOODY good, Biff! *chuckle* Biff: ...And isn't Nate STUNNING in his designer hump? Chip: I had a "HUNCH" you'd say that! Biff: And yet...these costumes just aren't that SCARY! Chip: You spoke too soon, Biff! Here's a costume that's truly HIDEOUS! Biff: Yow! Nate"s dressed as...HIS SISTER! Chip: What REALISM! The hair...the make-up...even PANTY HOSE! Nate: DANG! I got a run! Francis: Yes, I think you'd better.
Comisftw almost 11 years ago
Most terrifying Halloween costume ever.
ChristmasBoneCatalog over 9 years ago
Nate always dresses as someone else for halloween. xD
hologram165 over 8 years ago
Dang! I gotta run! See ya!
(insert name here) over 7 years ago
MunafAlam over 6 years ago
Nate is cross dressing
ChebanAcharya over 6 years ago
Nate, you idiot
 ‍ over 6 years ago
He looks cute xD
TheComplainerYTVids about 5 years ago
(Curses in British)
minecraftchamp33 over 4 years ago
Uh oh
JohnAvila over 4 years ago
Starth over 4 years ago
Nate about to get absolutely POUNDED
ArinjayShukla1 over 4 years ago
Ellen goin to beat up herselv
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) about 4 years ago
he dressed up as her
AliAdhami almost 4 years ago
Lol that word play (got a run, gotta run)
hockey man almost 4 years ago
doctorwho29 about 2 years ago
This is interesting. I hope this really is his costume
Noodle_luvs_comics 7 months ago
Wait… if Ellen has a wig does that mean.. Ellen’s bald?