We ad a cat that would not eat pills, even mixed with food. We would have to give it to him directly. He was almost 30 pounds. I would hold him down and my husband would force the pill into his mouth. One time, after a particularly brutal battle, we SAW his throat working, swallowing, so I let him go. He took a few steps, then PTOOIE he spit the pill out! After that, we always ordered liquid.
We used to have a cat that loved raw liver. When we needed to give him a pill, we would bury it in a small piece of liver. The trick was the piece with the pill had to be the second one offered. He always chewed the first piece and then swallowed anything else offered whole.
Currently we always use the liquid and if the cats are being very uncooperative, we just smear it on the front feet. They always clean themselves off thoroughly, and get the medicine that way.
codycab almost 11 years ago
Looks like the proof is literally in the pudding and by proof I mean pill of course.
Wren Fahel almost 11 years ago
We ad a cat that would not eat pills, even mixed with food. We would have to give it to him directly. He was almost 30 pounds. I would hold him down and my husband would force the pill into his mouth. One time, after a particularly brutal battle, we SAW his throat working, swallowing, so I let him go. He took a few steps, then PTOOIE he spit the pill out! After that, we always ordered liquid.
eyebuzz Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Don’t always see Jon this excited.
SkyFisher almost 11 years ago
Maybe beautiful Liz could charm it into him.
Weakstream almost 11 years ago
Crush the pills than sprinkle it on whatever the cat likes.
Weakstream almost 11 years ago
I do this whenever my wife has worms.
The Winy Child almost 11 years ago
JanLC almost 11 years ago
We used to have a cat that loved raw liver. When we needed to give him a pill, we would bury it in a small piece of liver. The trick was the piece with the pill had to be the second one offered. He always chewed the first piece and then swallowed anything else offered whole.
Currently we always use the liquid and if the cats are being very uncooperative, we just smear it on the front feet. They always clean themselves off thoroughly, and get the medicine that way.
Number Three almost 11 years ago
I’m sure Garfield would do the same to Jon’s or Odie’s food.
lesterwiley almost 11 years ago
My cats would love their meds in pudding…I just use the quick shot pill shooter and they are back to romping around the home.
Mitchtheone almost 11 years ago
There is an entire step by step how to give a cat a pill.. Though it does make mention of band aids..Those would be for you. Not the cat..
And you might want to redecorate as well after you stop the bleeding… Lacerations I hear can be very bad..
rgcviper almost 11 years ago
Reminds me of a little piece I found online a while back:
18 Steps to Give Your Cat a Pill
I’ve seen an even better version elsewhere online, but still pretty darn good.
WentBrown almost 4 years ago
I am sure it does.