1. Does anybody really care?2. To blow up basketballs, footballs, etc3. Woah! Woah! Woah!4. Of course and Splenda too!
Its faster than light.
“Should I stay or should I go?”
-The Clash
If I were youI would stayFor a little whileI you were meWould you walk outIn style?
Roxy Music, Out of the Blue
ColonelClaus about 11 years ago
1. Does anybody really care?2. To blow up basketballs, footballs, etc3. Woah! Woah! Woah!4. Of course and Splenda too!
ColonelClaus about 11 years ago
Its faster than light.
Michelle Morris about 11 years ago
“Should I stay or should I go?”
-The Clash
The Rolling Cat about 11 years ago
If I were youI would stayFor a little whileI you were meWould you walk outIn style?
Roxy Music, Out of the Blue