Origins of the Sunday Comics by Peter Maresca for February 09, 2014

  1. Stained glass me 2
    St. Pillsbury  about 11 years ago

    Ah, for good ol’ days gone by…..

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  2. Label him icky
    Atanwat  about 11 years ago

    If it doesn’t need the captions, then why not white them out, instead of scanning them at a resolution that makes them illegible, even when zoomed.

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  3. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 11 years ago

    1. Simon – Say that woman has a great head. If she can carry things up there I guess I kin.2. It’s kinder ticklish putting eggs up, but Columbus did tricks with eggs and I ain’t going to let him beat me.3. Gosh! I’ve got just the right balance to it. I’ll bet that woman’s jealous.4. Say Mr. Policeman, ain’t I a peach? Just catch ‘em when I let ’em drop.5. Gee! I bet you never played in a ball team.6. Ha! Ha! Ha! Say Maw, didn’t he make you laugh? He looks like a bum actor that the people didn’t like.

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  4. Missing large
    uriheat2002  about 11 years ago

    Why not have a dialogue sub-strip (as in subtitled movies) then we wouldn’t have to strain our eyes and could simply enjoy the art without wondering what is being spoken by the characters.

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