Frazz by Jef Mallett for March 17, 2014
Caulfield: What color do Martians wear on St. Patrick's Day? Mrs. Olsen: We don't know for sure that Martians are green or that they have a St. Patrick's Day. Caulfield: But we have established Mrs. Olsen believes in Martians. Frazz: The fact that she can't keep up with you establishes nothing.
rlfekete1 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
@no1scouseOrange for William of Orange, white for aspirations of peace, green for Gaelic tradition.
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Marvin approves! Green he isTroll city today
gcarlson almost 11 years ago
My tradition is an orange shirt with a green tie. I’m an ecumenicalist.
H P Hundt Premium Member almost 11 years ago
She kept up and played his game.
childe_of_pan over 7 years ago
I’m a large part Irish, and my traditional wear for Mr. Patrick’s day is black. There were never snakes in Ireland; that’s a reference to his driving the Old Religion out of Ireland (which he didn’t really do). “Bring back the snakes; Ireland was better off Pagan.” (I have an American friend who was visiting Ireland and was asked by a shopkeeper, “Are you Catholic or Protestant?” She replied, “Neither, I’m a Pagan.” The shopkeeper responded, with mild impatience, “Yes, of course, but are you a Catholic Pagan or a Protestant Pagan?”)