I refer you to the underlying meaning of today’s strip. We all have different reasons for life. Peekaboo and Susie are merely out of step with Pasqualle and you. Not wrong, just out of step.
Allow her the preferences in her life. And, I am sure, she will allow yours. BTW I want more “Tree of Letting Things Be”.
Keith Kunz almost 11 years ago
good example on different worlds.
bryan42 almost 11 years ago
Susie, I think everyone has figured out by now that you fear and loathe cats but must you post your hate every time Peek shows her face?
Doctor11 almost 11 years ago
Um, that wasn’t a compliment, Peekaboo.
girlbrdr almost 11 years ago
Susie is just like the 4 year old that does bad things to get attention. It’s sad that she has no life and needs to pick on Peekaboo to get attention…
girlbrdr almost 11 years ago
Susie is just like the 4 year old that does bad things to get attention. It’s sad that she has no life and needs to pick on Peekaboo to get attention…
choo choo willy almost 11 years ago
Just go away, don’t go away mad, just go away!
davbart92663 almost 11 years ago
To everyone complaining about SusieSchroeder….
I refer you to the underlying meaning of today’s strip. We all have different reasons for life. Peekaboo and Susie are merely out of step with Pasqualle and you. Not wrong, just out of step.
Allow her the preferences in her life. And, I am sure, she will allow yours. BTW I want more “Tree of Letting Things Be”.