I can’t help but think of the classic “Seinfeld” episode when Jerry gave is father his Caddy. He caused so much trouble with the Condo Commandos because he wouldn’t go to dinner in time for the Early Bird Special. Still laughing after all these years, particularly when The Ladies from the home close by hit the street. Dressed to the nines in polyester and all their jewelry to get a quart of milk.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
And is she down in Boca too? Cause Verl sure isn’t her. Oh , are you talking about a car..I thought….knowing Jerry….
mikie2 almost 11 years ago
I can’t help but think of the classic “Seinfeld” episode when Jerry gave is father his Caddy. He caused so much trouble with the Condo Commandos because he wouldn’t go to dinner in time for the Early Bird Special. Still laughing after all these years, particularly when The Ladies from the home close by hit the street. Dressed to the nines in polyester and all their jewelry to get a quart of milk.
InTraining Premium Member almost 11 years ago
MA Zwank is a real piece of work…. also explains how JERRY got that way… ! ! !
vldazzle almost 11 years ago
I see the Cheese house only welcomes seniors 3-5PM. I wonder who they feed the rest of the time.
joegeethree almost 11 years ago
Good one Jerry!
imnormal almost 11 years ago
Is Verl dreaming the day when Jer can pick her up in his newly inherited Cadillac? That’ll be the day.
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Matching mop-tops!!! Yeow! However, cuddly they ain’t!! Snark! SNARK!!