Adam: A dash of pepper? That's kind of vague, isn't it? What kind of recipe uses dashes and pinches? These aren't standards measurements! This is... It's anarchy, I tell you!!
I don’t ever follow the recipe fully. I’ll read it thru a few times, and use it as a guideline. Luckily, I’m a taste as you go kind of gal, and I love to cook, and the end product is my own.
Dash, Pinch, Smidge. Then there’s the 1/8th teaspoon (Imperial measurement, not American measurements). .I once forgot I had a real stove (Grand Marnier while measuring & mixing) – and used my hand to test the air temperature of the oven. Went … hmm – about right and put in the cookies. … I had a grandmother who insisted on keeping her woodburning stove way, way WAY long after she got the electric stove.
QuietStorm27 almost 11 years ago
This is how I learned to cook family recipes. Add something, taste, add more if needed.
gary4160 almost 11 years ago
DASH = 1/8 teaspoon pinch = 1/16 teaspoon i think.
KEA almost 11 years ago
I always told my science students that compared to learning cooking measurements, the metric system (SI) was a breeze.
Strod almost 11 years ago
As long as you don’t confuse “dash” with “dish” it’ll be OK.
Perkycat almost 11 years ago
That’s funny and probably very true.
Doctor11 almost 11 years ago
Looks like Adam is going nuts again.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe almost 11 years ago
We have the similar spoons. through Epicure in Canada
celeconecca almost 11 years ago
I don’t ever follow the recipe fully. I’ll read it thru a few times, and use it as a guideline. Luckily, I’m a taste as you go kind of gal, and I love to cook, and the end product is my own.
Train 1911 almost 11 years ago
I have measuring spoon that have dash,pinch ect
Hunter7 almost 11 years ago
Dash, Pinch, Smidge. Then there’s the 1/8th teaspoon (Imperial measurement, not American measurements). .I once forgot I had a real stove (Grand Marnier while measuring & mixing) – and used my hand to test the air temperature of the oven. Went … hmm – about right and put in the cookies. … I had a grandmother who insisted on keeping her woodburning stove way, way WAY long after she got the electric stove.