Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for March 13, 2014
Sluggo: No. Really! I can cook ANYTHING! Baloney stew, baloney parmes-an, baloney a la king, baked stuffed baloney...Fried baloney, barbecued bal-oney, baloney pot pie... Nancy (from phone): As long as it's BALONEY. Sluggo: Right! I'm the KING of BALONEY! Nancy: Don't. Say. It.
Wiseguy70005 almost 11 years ago
Although informally* the meat can be spelled as baloney, the actual spelling in bologna. The nonsense definition (as hinted in the last panel) is only spelled baloney.
*The general public is too stupid to spell it correctly so the incorrect spelling has become more acceptable.
Laynegg almost 11 years ago
sigh come on guys it was a great pun and I enjoyed it without the corrections on grammar. ;-)
jrankin1959 almost 11 years ago
Sluggo, have I introduced you to my friend, “Bubba” Blue? He’s into shrimp — tell ’em, Bubba…
Dkram almost 11 years ago
Oh, Baloney..\\//_
ladykat almost 11 years ago
This strip just brought back some fond memories of one of my stepsons who, like Sluggo, could only cook Bologna.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
Three high school girls eating lunch and conversing.
Girl #1: “Boe-LOG-uh-nuh. I don’t know how to pronounce it, so I just say Boe-LOG-uh-nuh.”~Girl #2: “Boe-LOG-nuh. That is how you are suppose to pronounce it.”~Girl #3: “I just call it Ba-LONE-ee.”~Girls #1 and 2: “Tee hee hee! Ha Ha Ha! Ba-LONE—eeee?”
RedSamRackham almost 11 years ago
Baloney is the Ripple Wine of cold cuts! YUK!
Larry0555 almost 11 years ago
I find it refreshing to read some of the older comics,especially with all the hustle and bustle that is occupying our daily lives along with the troubles of the world.The comics gives us a short break from reality and gives our minds a short rest as well.Has anyone ever stop to think that maybe there could have been a feature in the comics that inspired good ideas? People like David_42 and Wiseguy70005 should realize that these are comics and nothing more and people don’t really care if the words are spelled right or worry about their brain dying. Henry Ward Beecher once said A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It’s jolted by every pebble on the road.
Wiseguy70005 almost 11 years ago
Evolution based on misspellings is stupid. With your theory, the word “your” can replace you’re, and “there” can replace their and they’re.
Jim Kerner almost 11 years ago
They should bring back the Oscar Meyer jingle. Because they have a way with BOLOGNA.
smurf764 almost 11 years ago
Guy, I loved this one! Still laughing just thinking of it - the last panel is great and just cracks me up!!!
DavEdsel almost 11 years ago
Coincidentally, I had a fried bologna and onion sub today. Delicious, no matter how it is spelled. ☺
When I want the correct spelling of this lunch meat, I just sing the Oscar Mayer jingle.
WSR almost 11 years ago
Good for Nancy for not making a comment, most wouldn’t be able to resist.