Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 20, 2014

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    Zonker does these things out of love.

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    BE THIS GUY  almost 11 years ago

    @BorntalkingbackWere you inhaling something while reading them?

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    banjinshiju  almost 11 years ago

    I can’t understand the complaints. I have not seen these strips before, but they are far more entertaining and funnier than his more recent strips.

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    Beleck3  almost 11 years ago

    right, these are great. better than some of his nonexistent ones of today. lol

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    npaladin2000  almost 11 years ago

    These are a LOT funnier than watching him try not to anger today’s White House too much.

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  6. Hpim0415
    Melekalikimaka  almost 11 years ago

    Then why are you here? Remove Doonesbury from your comics list, it’s easy and you won’t have to put up with it anymore. :)

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  7. Goat red icon
    Red Ruffensor  almost 11 years ago

    I remember wondering why their helmets had no face guards. Could Walden only afford leftovers from the ’40’s?

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    alfracto  almost 11 years ago


    Very very few of us here at Doonesbury comments cares in any way you think or say. Why don’t go to Mallard Fillmore and babble about how meaningful and true it is!?

    Go Zonker! Keep up the good work!

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    dwdl21  almost 11 years ago

    Why would even post on here then…lol Spark one up and mellow out…sheesh

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    fuzzybritches Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Frankly, I find this a wonderful wallow in nostalgia . . .

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 11 years ago

    Victory is now assured

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  12. Rabbi sammy final
    pauljmsn  almost 11 years ago

    For as long as I could remember, Doonesbury was carried in the Comics section of whatever local newspaper I followed. That was until the late 90s, when the Wichita Eagle began to carry Mallard Fillmore, then both strips ended up in the Editorial section. Eventually yhe Eagle dropped both strips at the same time. Talk about “Fair and Balanced”.

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    kaffekup   almost 11 years ago

    It’s so cute how you all keep responding to troll gmartin when it’s obvious she has no interest in your comments. .If you look at her posts on other strips, she’s a normal person, but here, she just tosses in a hand grenade daily and departs before it explodes. .Best thing to do is just ignore, that’s all it’s worth.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 11 years ago

    “Wow, you would have started off very poorly which is why you are batting a negative 1,000. Keep up the bad work!”.Not that I’m agreeing or disagreeing, but I thought you were going to eschew personal attacks.HARD, AIN’T IT??

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    arizonat  almost 11 years ago

    Is Garry going to redo the whole Nam era too?

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 11 years ago

    Nope.“Batting 0.000” would an honest evaluation if always wrong.“Batting a negative 1,000” even if meant to mean -0.000 would still mean not only did he get nothing right (unlikely) but that every time the figurative ball came his way, he made someone else est, an insult.Not that I mind since I enjoy picturing it, but it’s calling him wronger than wrong.

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    Chris Sherlock  almost 11 years ago

    “Part of the appeal for me as a young boy was that this strip had to be printed on the Editorial page, because it wasn’t appropriate next to all the kiddie strips on the comics page.”………………………………………………………..Yeah, my local newspaper did that, too…and that played a big part in turning me into a “Doonesbury” fan.

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    Yuseff  almost 11 years ago

    These strips were written before I was born (1973) but I’m loving them.

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  19. Old iron sides
    Old_Iron_Sides  almost 11 years ago

    I found a whole book of zonker comics at a book shop. It’s pretty amazing!

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  20. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  almost 11 years ago

    I learned a lot from those editorial cartoons. .I always looked forward to B.D. and his huddles (either on the gridiron or elsewhere). All he wanted was things to be simple, straightforward, coloured within the lines. .and instead – BD got stuck with yappie liberal Mike and happy Zonker.

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    the4thpip  almost 11 years ago

    This is totally something Lucy van Pelt would do to Charlie Brown.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    Now, I don’t feel quite as safePensacola 3:58 p.m. CDT March 20, 2015.(Photo: Special to the News Journal)CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMOREA shot rang out — from somewhere..Was that from the swamp back of my house or was it just my neighbors target practicing? At least nothing hit the house this time, so it could have been worse. (It has been worse in days gone by. Why do people shoot doves anyway?)

    It’s good to have no living enemies. If anybody shoots me, it will probably be by mistake or accident. My odds are usually pretty good..Other people have harder jobs and every now and then find folks who are actively angry at them over something they said, wrote, did or drew. “Those” people lead interesting – even if sometimes short – lives. Some are hated simply because they are members of a group, race, religion, people or profession which is disliked for any reason. Some of those reasons are totally irrational. Some people are totally irrational..Now, I don’t feel quite as safe..Nonetheless, it would be nice for many to know the source of something like a gunshot or threat. I have long maintained every patrol car should have a 360-degree camera recording whatever goes on around it, recorded in such a manner that not even the Secretary of State could delete the records of what happened..Let’s add something which I believe needs to be developed and added. It’s been on my mind ever since someone shot two policemen in Missouri and claimed to be shooting at somebody else but was just a phenomenally poor shot..Anyhoo, the proposal is a tetrahedral array of microphones to locate the source of gunshots..I’ve lost you already. What’s a tetrahedral anything?.In its simplest form, it’s an object with four sides. A regular tetrahedron has all sides the same as the other three. To get the idea, take three straws, Join them end to end to make a triangle. Take three more straws. Put one end at each vertex or corner and bring them up to come together, making a total of four equilateral triangles with four vertices..Put a microphone at each corner of your tetrahedron and mount it on your fuzzmobile. Feed the sounds each hears into your computer to recognize the sound of a gun firing and the time difference for the sound to reach each microphone. With a wee bit of calculating, the four inputs would tell you the center of a sphere of the sound wave caused by the shot..I could tell who was shooting near my house. The police could tell where to duck. It could also help soldiers in combat, guards, spies wanting to listen in on conversations or sound folks at concerts not wanting to put a microphone in front of Lady Gaga..But that’s a worry for another day.

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