Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for April 10, 2014

  1. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. (Well, it’s only 10:30 PM here, but most of us are past midnight.)

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  2. My boys
    woodworker318  over 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    The good weather is going to continue in the 60’s until Mon. when it is supposed to be in the 70’s. No complaints with that forecast.

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  3. 705px china xinjiang.svg
    arye uygur  over 10 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds. last night I attended an interesting genealogy meeting and received a disk to convert my huge family tree in outline form that I have on email (the lecturer said he had never heard of a family tree in email before) to GedCom. Now the work starts all over again – at least I won’t have to do the research all over again.

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  4. Rick
    davidf42  over 10 years ago

    Morning, Vagabonds. Heading for Beaumont today to visit with the surgeon. Two week checkup, you know.

    Arye, by all means, use a gedcom. That’s the standard way of sharing your tree with others.

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  5. Large first sunday of advent
    Dkram  over 10 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds..Looks like a nice day coming, temps in the 20s when I got up..My sister is the family genealogist, and she is working on the Berkshire Chaffee Genealogy book. (that’s Berkshire, VT).Good luck with the doc David..Have a nice time at the wedding Rita..Good day to all..ttfn

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