Caption: Earth Science Test: FILL IN THE BLANKS 1.) Name the three kinds of rock: 1.) igneous 2.) sedimentary 3.)__________
3.) Led Zeppelin.
Remember the Little Rascals and the teacher asking about Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. One kid answers and says something like it was 2210 Main Street.
rondm66 almost 11 years ago
How about the Rolling Stones?
Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 11 years ago
It’s a lucky thing Sluggo’s been a kid since before WWII, or he’d probably never have heard of Led Zeppelin. ;)
RedSamRackham almost 11 years ago
“Oh no” said the igneous rock to her sedimentary boyfriend, “you’re taking me for granite!” ☺
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
Metamorphic. I cheated.
WaitingMan almost 11 years ago
Answer: Led Zeppelin. Question: What is the most overrated band in history?
ColonelClaus almost 11 years ago
And here I was thinkingMedalmorphsIgnerntand Sedative rocks
Tin Can Twidget almost 11 years ago
I would’ve missed that one too, Sluggo.
katina.cooper almost 11 years ago
Uh, hard rock, soft rock, rock n roll?
brklnbern almost 11 years ago
Remember the Little Rascals and the teacher asking about Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. One kid answers and says something like it was 2210 Main Street.
rklynch over 4 years ago
Good answer…