Sunny Street by Max G and Sandy B for March 11, 2014

  1. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 11 years ago

    Yep, that’s about what’ll happen……

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  2. Vernal sneek peek 3
    TheVernalPool  almost 11 years ago

    they’ll never fix the roads now

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  3. 5880a2f5 1d55 4965 92c2 a7a33a8b0640
    Brian Ponshock creator almost 11 years ago

    That’s why the highway department is so slow.

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  4. Sunnystreet icon 1
    sunnysrteet27  almost 11 years ago

    Man o Man, can’t we all just get along? haha.Quite the fiasco yesterday. Look, I’m grateful to everyone who enjoys my work and i really appreciateanyone who believes they are helping me, so thank you.But I honestly don’t need to be defended here.In my experience (limited experience) as a cartoonist, I’ve seen first hand how many of us who are all digging for the next joke, can easily stumble upon the same idea. My friend and fellow cartoonist Derrick Wood and I actually joked about how many times he and I would post material with similar themes.So i’m sure it happens much more than you think. And although it may seem a certain way to you at first – I bet if you take a step back and see how many times we DON’T stumble onto the same gag – you’ll realize it definitely blows away the few times that we do accidentally step on each others toes.I definitely could have worded that a little better, but I think you know what I mean.

    I hope you understand that I’m not angry with anyone, and I’m not saying that you shouldn’t voice your opinion, but maybe we can cool it down a bit.I’d really like to just focus on my work and try to keep the politics out of it.If you enjoy my stuff—GREAT! Please swing on by and check it out, but please don’t feel the needto lift me up by attacking other creators who, no matter how you feel about them, are in fact just tryingto entertain everyone to the best of their ability. And like someone mentioned yesterday -it’s very difficult to come up with new ideas every day so I hope that you don’t mind cutting us all just a bit of slack.I promise, we’re all doing our best.

    Thanks guys,


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  5. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 11 years ago

    I really enjoy your comic and think very highly of you for addressing this issue. I read the comics for a laugh and if someone else has a similar comic that makes me laugh so much the better. And if you and other cartoonists don’t mind, it is nobody else’s business. I didn’t comment on that other strip but I thought it was all very rude. Thanks for the enjoyment you give every day. And this comic today is very funny!

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 11 years ago

    So, I take it you’ve lived in Colorado, Max?

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  7. Sunnystreet icon 1
    sunnysrteet27  almost 11 years ago

    Thanks again guys.I’ll leave the comments to you.Later gators. ; )

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    Troy  almost 11 years ago

    Hey Max, I’ll have to share this one with all of my Colorado friends and family. Let me know if you are ever in Colorado. Like somebody mentioned about, they just released the tax revenue figures for January and it’s astronaomical. They are supposedly going to use the money for education which we sorely need here. I wonder if increased education will lead to decreased pot usage, which would then lead to lower revenue and perhaps lower education which would then increase pot usage which would then….

    Potholes full of potheads. :)

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