Invisible Bread by Justin Boyd for March 21, 2014

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    JayBluE  almost 11 years ago

    She was more drawn to him than he thought!….

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    justin Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Raise your hand if you would like an extra credit assignment.

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  3. Storm trooper
    stormtrooper11116  almost 11 years ago

    haha Complete success pattern initiated!

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    Kev_a_Swing_Dancer Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    An unexpected and very satisfying bonus. Excellent all around… (I particularly liked the full “oh man” chant).

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    sottwell  almost 11 years ago

    In Object-Oriented programming, a class is a blueprint for an object. You can use the same class definition to create multiple objects. A singleton pattern describes a situation where you can only have one object made from the class.

    Like in a town, you can build as many houses from a house design blueprint that you want, but only one City Hall from the city hall blueprint.

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