Great to see Doc again! And that looks like Avery to the right. I’m enjoying this! After months on end with R&J and Slim, it’s about time we get back to the real roots.
Another thought I meant to bring up yesterday..Walt was drawn about as slim as Slim..I’m wondering whether Walt had to put up with all the fat jokes that Clovia loves to dish out!
This arc is telling me that I really missed out on my childhood. No TV (although everyone else had one) and no Gasoline Alley. The first time I saw Gasoline Alley I was in my 20s. I’m enjoying this immensely.
The original version had Doc’s, Bill’s, and Avery’s wives and children at the table, too. And, yes, Walt was chubbier and Rachel was less—umm—pallid. (Yeah, it’s Bill. He’s hard to recognize without his flat cap.) The strip was one long panel, so it was easier to get all those characters in.
No, the famous doorstep moment was 1921-02-14, and this scene was 1922-02-14. And, yes, this is a simplified redrawing of the 1922-02-14 strip. In those days, the strip generally ran exactly one day per day, though that led to a lot of strips beginning, "Say, do you remember what we were talking about yesterday? Well, it just occurred to me that….”
Mineola almost 11 years ago
Great to see Doc again! And that looks like Avery to the right. I’m enjoying this! After months on end with R&J and Slim, it’s about time we get back to the real roots.
larsones almost 11 years ago
Walt is a little thin—for 1922
cpalmeresq almost 11 years ago
Thank You, Jim!
battle of plattsburgh almost 11 years ago
I’m guessing there will be no GA complaints today.
MJ Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I hope Rachel is OK. She looks rather pale, don’t you think?
Cheapskate0 almost 11 years ago
Another thought I meant to bring up yesterday..Walt was drawn about as slim as Slim..I’m wondering whether Walt had to put up with all the fat jokes that Clovia loves to dish out!
Cheapskate0 almost 11 years ago
Clarification: Flashback arc – great. It’s the hypnotist that I object to.
Willow Mt Lyon almost 11 years ago
This arc is telling me that I really missed out on my childhood. No TV (although everyone else had one) and no Gasoline Alley. The first time I saw Gasoline Alley I was in my 20s. I’m enjoying this immensely.
SGIBeachbum almost 11 years ago
I’m loving this.
John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 11 years ago
The original version had Doc’s, Bill’s, and Avery’s wives and children at the table, too. And, yes, Walt was chubbier and Rachel was less—umm—pallid. (Yeah, it’s Bill. He’s hard to recognize without his flat cap.) The strip was one long panel, so it was easier to get all those characters in.
noreenklose almost 11 years ago
I really like this story arc.Thank you, Mr. Scancarelli!
3pibgorn9 almost 11 years ago
I like where this is going
John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 11 years ago
No, the famous doorstep moment was 1921-02-14, and this scene was 1922-02-14. And, yes, this is a simplified redrawing of the 1922-02-14 strip. In those days, the strip generally ran exactly one day per day, though that led to a lot of strips beginning, "Say, do you remember what we were talking about yesterday? Well, it just occurred to me that….”
lmchildress over 10 years ago
I am sure they couldn’t get away with portraying Rachel in her original guise, as a Mammy type, so they had to pale her up.