Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for April 19, 2014

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    cpalmeresq  almost 11 years ago

    Heartwarming memories.

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    Mineola  almost 11 years ago

    Looks like they’ll be resurrecting Chipper! Let’s hope – it’s been forever since we’ve seen him even if he does appear as an infant. I wonder why Jim never features him in GA anymore?

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  3. Spooky
    unca jim  almost 11 years ago

    Chip waz a PA off in Indiana (SOMEwhere out there) last I knew. I used to keep track of all this, but my OWN genealogy got in the way.

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  4. Roohey
    roohey  almost 11 years ago

    far fetched scenario, but love the retrospective GA family history Thanks Jim

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  5. Brent and tv
    bmckee  almost 11 years ago

    The “island hopping strips” from the original run are action packed, with Skeezix involved in some rough fighting, even though he was in an ordnance repair unit behind the lines. On many of those islands “behind the lines” was a relative term. He’s shown shooting at least two snipers out of trees (and you see them fall) which probably wouldn’t be done today.

    Meanwhile, back on the homefront, Nina had been working in a bronze foundry, but after Thomas Walter (Chipper) Wallet’s birth was on a short maternity leave. She breast-fed Chipper, which was depicted in a tasteful manner, although those strips would probably raise the ire of today’s “won’t somebody think of the children!” crowd. I sometimes think we were more mature as a society back then

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  6. Sg county zoo 077
    loner34  almost 11 years ago

    Yes there were dozens of “D Days” in the pacific, and they were much bloodier than Normandy.

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    NeilShapiro  almost 11 years ago

    The envelope in the last panel says “V AHIL” and under that are the morse code letters "S’ and “T.” Wonder if that could have any meaning?

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    hsawlrae  almost 11 years ago

    PACIFIC ? I can recall comics of him in the European Theater fighting the Germans…or did he get transferred?

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  9. Cardinaltm
    kdrkolka  almost 11 years ago

    Must have been the skinny-dipping.

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