…who is just as dead as Ted Kennedy. Since Belfry is still alive, the question becomes “who best models Belfry in the current Congress?” Gotta be John Boehner. I also have to wonder… if Jeff MacNelly were still with us, would he have a bird modeled on Paul Ryan…?
ratlum almost 11 years ago
Halve a mind makes you over qualified ?for heavens sake run against him.
puddleglum1066 almost 11 years ago
…who is just as dead as Ted Kennedy. Since Belfry is still alive, the question becomes “who best models Belfry in the current Congress?” Gotta be John Boehner. I also have to wonder… if Jeff MacNelly were still with us, would he have a bird modeled on Paul Ryan…?
The Life I Draw Upon almost 11 years ago
Self – interested and able to change the law to suit them.
LeoAutodidact almost 11 years ago
I’ve been seeing Belfry as Barny Frank, lately. But he sure WAS Tip and Teddy back “in the Day!”
ColonelClaus almost 11 years ago
I think whether Belfry is modeled after Mr. Kennedy or Mr. O’Neill depends on whether you are a Rethugican or a Demoncrat.
Ragarm350 almost 11 years ago
Zing! Good one!
westny77 almost 11 years ago
Not a compliment This Belfry guy reminds me of Ted Kennedy.