Frazz by Jef Mallett for May 18, 2014
Caulfield: My mom took me shopping at thrifty acres. Frazz: That doesn't happen often. Caulfield: I spent half an hour pondering the giant wall of toilet paper. Frazz: Which is why it doesn't happen often. Caulfield: You realize: If you flew home from the store on a jet, your "economy" bale of toilet paper would not fit in your "economy" class seat. Frazz: Although it would be softer. Caulfield: It makes no sense. Frazz: Economics is complicated. Caulfield: I guess that's why it takes four years to get a degree in it. Frazz: Or why they call it a B. S.
suevanv Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Meijer “Thrifty Acres”…haven’t heard that term in awhile…thanks for the memories!
Nachikethass almost 11 years ago
In India, Economics is a B.A (Bachelor of Arts)!
TheSkulker almost 11 years ago
Who in their right mind would consider economics a science???
wcorvi almost 11 years ago
As Sheldon Cooper said, if the Kardashians are not real celebrities, then geology is the Kardashian of science. But I agree that economics is, really.
Stew Bek Premium Member almost 11 years ago
It has been called “the dismal science” but when you approach it from the Austrian perspective it can make a lot more sense. Read Hayek, Rothbard, Von Mises and many others. Very libertarian in thought:
Reality,really? almost 11 years ago
While many disparage it’s science , every government financial decision is based on an economic theory and studies to justify its passing.
unca jim almost 11 years ago
Since I loaded Adblocker Plus, I ain’t been cussin’ muchly as of late.. Just sayin’..
Varnes almost 11 years ago
suevanv, “Meijer’s, One Stop Shop!”
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Great stores by the way….
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Varnes almost 11 years ago
patlaborvi almost 11 years ago
When I took economics the professor’s name was L. J. Remington and everyone called him Laughing Jack Remington because he taught the class by reading out of the text book, and every time he pulled his nose out of the book and looked up he had a big fake smile on his face. The man ate, dranks, and slept economics, he was even a presidential advisor on econmomics, but he couldn’t teach to save his life.
pshapley Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Actually, economics works pretty well. If it was as useless as say, alchemy, it would be long gone.
The problems happen when people with ideologies or vested interests start manipulating policies while claiming they somehow know better than those who have actually studied the field.
lmonteros almost 11 years ago
Sheesh. Ecomomics degrees aside, who would buy TP and take it on a plane? But if you have a big family that goes through a roll or more a day, buying a case of TP for the house makes a lot of sense. Of course, you can’t strap it onto the back of a bike.
renewed1 almost 11 years ago
Simple law of economics that escapes our ruling class. Don’t spend more than you have.
water_moon almost 11 years ago
I once complaned to one of my econ profs that the models we use make too many assumptions, like that all sellers are equal and knowledege is perfect and that I’d go all the way across town to save 6 cents on a bag of ice..His response was “yes, there are flaws, but in reality, with large groups of people , the models WORK. And for all the things that AREN’T equal you can factor that in to adjust the lines, for instance, distance to the store is a COST in both time and gas.” Which is why gas stations can charge more, it’s the cost of convience.
if(comicStrip == "funny") {return "laughter";} over 4 years ago
You may have spent half an hour looking at t.p then… but you’d be stabbing someone at the store for it now.