The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for March 31, 2014
March 30, 2014
April 01, 2014
Brutus: I joined a website that has exercises to stimulate the mind, improving memory.
Gladys: That sounds like a good idea. How's it seem to be working?
Brutus: I don't know - I can't remember my password!
I keep a file of them on a flash drive, never on the hard drive, so no one can hack me and find them.I print it out then add new ones in pencil, update occasionally I back up the file to another flash drive and store it off site.
coastie90 almost 11 years ago
I put mine in a file on the pc and the hard drive crashed.
Perkycat almost 11 years ago
Mine are in a little black book in the desk drawer. I religiously write them down when I make new ones.
former Quebecer almost 11 years ago
Chris Sherlock almost 11 years ago
I use the LastPass extension in Firefox and keep all of mine there.
loner34 almost 11 years ago
I keep a file of them on a flash drive, never on the hard drive, so no one can hack me and find them.I print it out then add new ones in pencil, update occasionally I back up the file to another flash drive and store it off site.