When I was a kid, I lost two of my “baby” teeth while eating. In both instances, I didn’t even feel the loss of my teeth; I did not even know I had lost them until I had bitten into them. []One tooth was lost to a Fruit Roll-Up, which I can understand due to how sticky they are. But the other was lost to a chopped beef sandwich.
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
What?! Leopold goes to a dentist?! It is true, however, that occasional small bits of bone are included in ground meat and can cause tooth trouble.
pcolli almost 11 years ago
Is that a haunted table?
Ironhold almost 11 years ago
When I was a kid, I lost two of my “baby” teeth while eating. In both instances, I didn’t even feel the loss of my teeth; I did not even know I had lost them until I had bitten into them. []One tooth was lost to a Fruit Roll-Up, which I can understand due to how sticky they are. But the other was lost to a chopped beef sandwich.