@CDLng As to your question asked on Apr. 19th: maybe it has something to do with your browser? I use Safari on an iPad, the Earth Day one popped right up. Try clearing your browser cache.
If you can, hear Tom Lehrer’s song, “Pollution”. It was recorded in the sixties, but, it’s sadly true to this day. I guess that Francis has heard it and has taken it to heart. Happy Earth Day!
Coyoty Premium Member over 10 years ago
He will bring his faith to the ends of the Earth Day.
Bittermelon of Truth over 10 years ago
@CDLng As to your question asked on Apr. 19th: maybe it has something to do with your browser? I use Safari on an iPad, the Earth Day one popped right up. Try clearing your browser cache.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Holy garden plot, Papa!
bonitabarb43 over 10 years ago
I’m glad this finally showed up on my favorites! Love this one.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Planting the seeds of love! (I email this comic to a lot of people!)
Tandembuzz over 10 years ago
@ Night-Guant 49:God charged us with the care of His Creation, it’s only right to be good stewards!
pegmarrin over 10 years ago
From a regal procession to head of the farm workers in three images. Brilliant!
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
If you can, hear Tom Lehrer’s song, “Pollution”. It was recorded in the sixties, but, it’s sadly true to this day. I guess that Francis has heard it and has taken it to heart. Happy Earth Day!
pcolli over 10 years ago
As you sow, so shall you reap.
CDLng Premium Member over 10 years ago
AstuteObserver, sorry, didn’t work. All my other comics open to most recent, ALL, except Francis.
rossevrymn 2 months ago
Only Father Mud could be ordained, though.