Took me a while to figure out what “begarfield” meant… having a slow day….LOL..Now I want to know what the brown strip is, in Satchel’s mouth. His tongue is red, and slender… his right arm and both paws are visible… so what else is there?
Oh, how I love Sundays, when we actually get a new strip. Although it is hard to have a story arc with one strip in the arc per week. The readers forget what is going on.
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Can’t say Satchel doesn’t have balls….
Reppr Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Birds of a feather and all that
largokat almost 11 years ago
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
We’ll give the “boid” alright!
pumaman almost 11 years ago
One ball at a time Satch!
Kind&Kinder almost 11 years ago
It’s just fowl of Bucky to beg for turkey instead of cake. Satch, however, is a dogged eater of anything.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Took me a while to figure out what “begarfield” meant… having a slow day….LOL..Now I want to know what the brown strip is, in Satchel’s mouth. His tongue is red, and slender… his right arm and both paws are visible… so what else is there?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Oops… I mean in the last panel.
tc63 almost 11 years ago
Can’t believe (but hilarious) that the censors let Satch have a pair of balls in his mouth. Hahahahahaha.
RothX over 9 years ago
Oh, how I love Sundays, when we actually get a new strip. Although it is hard to have a story arc with one strip in the arc per week. The readers forget what is going on.