Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for May 02, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 11 years ago

    What’s so scary about buttons anyway?

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    coz69  almost 11 years ago

    Gouging: The art of charging way too much for gasoline for no apparent reason.

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    Mneedle  almost 11 years ago

    The most apparent reason for high gasoline prices is the government meddling, even after exorbitant taxation. The saddest part of it is that the tax money is not going to it’s intended use.

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    2578275  almost 11 years ago

    Reminds me of Elmer Fudd looking over a control panel full of buttons for an automated house. He asks salesperson Daffy Duck, “What happens if I push the wed one?” Daffy replies, No, don’t ever push the wed one!"

    @coz69Our gasoline prices are low compared with most countries of the world, although, last I heard, Venezueans pay approx. $0.35/gal.

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    francisrossi  almost 11 years ago

    It was. She was born Florence Bridgwood. Her mother used Lawrence as a stage name, and young Flo was on stage as a toddler, so it made sense she’d also be known as Lawrence.

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    Lamberger  almost 11 years ago

    I have an irrational fear of backing up naked into a cold doorknob.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 11 years ago

    Any reigning champions at gouging would have to be undefeated.

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    RedSamRackham  almost 11 years ago

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    Veridian  almost 11 years ago

    And …. " In the Kingdom of the Blind, the Man with one eye is King…"

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    sdjamieson Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    18th-Century backwoodsmen may have been tough, but I doubt many of them would consider gouging out someone’s eye a “sport”!

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