Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for April 06, 2014
Rip Haywire and the Curse of Tangaroa! Graphic Novel Narrator: Deep in the icky jungle Rip survives his would be assassin! But Longbeard has already taken his mom to his Submarine! R.J: First I'll have to take out those guards! I'll have to move fast! No telling what Longbeard will do to Mom! One down! One ugly to go.
quartermain almost 11 years ago
Wonderful art in the last picture Dan.
FireMedic almost 11 years ago
Very Jack Kirby-esque.
I AM CARTOON LADY! almost 11 years ago
I bow to both your ink pen and the hand that holds it! Great art work Mr. Thompson!
Cannoneer almost 11 years ago
The last panel reminds me of Milton Caniff’s “Steve Canyon” and “Terry and the Pirates”. Wicked cool!
SkyFisher almost 11 years ago
I wonder if the waters will part and allow young Rip to ride the sub without drowning a-la Indy Jones.(That’s actually NOT a plot hole: German U-boats in WWII spent most of their time traveling on the surface and only submerged prior to an attack.)On another note, why the sudden switch to a flashback with no lead up?
johnrussco almost 11 years ago
he’s a kid, …. but Rip’s kid!