Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for May 25, 2014
Woman: Jimbo! Jimbo Gumbo! Jimbo! Have that wife of yours call me...I've got some exciting news! Jimbo: Okay. Woman 2: Make sure you give Rose a big hug from me, Jimbo! Woman 3: Please tell Rose that the book she recommended is marvelous! Woman 4: Will you let Rose know that I'd love to help with the food drive? Woman 5: Hey, Jimbo! Tell Rose I'll meet her at the gym! Jimbo: I was in a panic...I'm terrible with names...and I had messages from five of your friends. I cam up with a simple solution...put the essence of the message with the corresponding face! Ingenious, huh, Rose? Rose: There's just one problem... I can't tell who these people are supposed to be! Jimbo: Are you saying I can't draw?!
dadoctah over 10 years ago
Unlike about half the strips I read, none of the characters in “Rose Is Rose” is supposed to be a cartoonist.
Zero-Gabriel over 10 years ago
This is WHAT & WHY Social Media was invented for…USE IT!!
And come join us in the 21th century…
yangeldf over 10 years ago
can’t any of these people just use facebook or something?
feralglance over 10 years ago
Considering it all, he did good. It’s her friend’s fault for not taking care of their own social needs, after all.
The Life I Draw Upon over 10 years ago
Facebook, what happened to the house phone and letter?
Jessica_D over 10 years ago
Their hair color should be a clue to help Rose figure out who is who.
hippogriff over 10 years ago
Jessica_D: “And the blondes might not be blonde after all” Die Lustige Widow, Wiben
artsudz over 10 years ago
Those must be five of Rose’s single or newlywed friends, because any woman married more than a year or two has learned not to send a message to anyone via a husband.
hk Premium Member over 2 years ago
Jimbo needs to learn how to say, “And your name is…”