Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 28, 2005
"So let me get this straight...You think Osama bin Laden slipped into this country as an exchange student and is presently living with some clueless American family that has no idea who he is?" "Yeah...and my biggest fear is that he'll try to indoctrinate the children." "Indoctrinate them how?" "...And when your father leaves for work, we give him hugs and kisses. We do not call him 'The Great Satan' and place a fatwa upon his head."
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
I’m going over to “Garfield” until this one blows over.
NErDysprosium over 5 years ago
Anyone else notice the note between panels 1 and 2?
“With apologies to Bil and Jeff Keane, two of the best sports in all of comicdom…”