Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for June 28, 2006
"...Our priority has to be cutting government, not to mention health care reform... That's very important... Now, if I were president..." "Will you please shut up? I'm trying to watch tv... And besides, you can't be president. Everyone knows McCain is a lock for 2008... He'd have to get caught with an exotic dancer in a motel room to lose that." "Dear John, Have I found the girl for you."
ArtCreator almost 13 years ago
Sadly, it wasn’t McCain…..
thetraveller4 almost 13 years ago
Fortunately, it wasn’t McCain…
COMIC-ER over 12 years ago
Pelahnar about 12 years ago
What about 2000? In order to vote for a republican incumbent, there does first have to be a republican President. That’s kind of how it works, see.
DarthRevan over 6 years ago
Not so much a lock… and somehow the rump did basically that and is still president.
OoogaBooga over 4 years ago
potatokilledme about 4 years ago
ah yes it wasnt mccain it was the best president ever – OBAMA
joegee over 2 years ago
Speaking as a Democrat; I respected John McCain.