I’m disappointed in you, Internet. I expected someone to actually write a serious essay here in the comments identifying the root causes of poverty. To make up for it, here is another silly one:
Poverty doesn’t have causes. For humans, it is the state of nature. It is wealth that has causes. Find the causes of wealth, do your best to arrange situations so that they are fostered, and you have a hope for more wealth, and thus, less poverty.
kamb8 over 11 years ago
I’m disappointed in you, Internet. I expected someone to actually write a serious essay here in the comments identifying the root causes of poverty. To make up for it, here is another silly one:
Poverty no have roots. Povery no PLANT.
KZ71 almost 11 years ago
What battle did Napoleon die in?His last one.
Meowth lover 24 over 7 years ago
If poverty plant, I chop it down
jackproarty almost 7 years ago
I’m surprised he knows what poverty means.
PBS1! about 5 years ago
The croc made sense. The apocalypse is upon us.
PBS1! over 4 years ago
Hahaha the croc’s expression in panel 2!
Boxo croco says happy derby over 3 years ago
Well, you’re not wrong
Totally Not a Killer Dolphin over 3 years ago
I mean, it’s true. If I were that teacher and it weren’t college, I would give Larry an A.
ArkanabarIlarsadin 11 months ago
Poverty doesn’t have causes. For humans, it is the state of nature. It is wealth that has causes. Find the causes of wealth, do your best to arrange situations so that they are fostered, and you have a hope for more wealth, and thus, less poverty.