Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for April 27, 2014

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  almost 11 years ago

    Great plug for Zachary Nixon Johnson!

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  2. Minirawr
    rawrtacular  almost 11 years ago

    Will be interesting to see : DI’m a webcartoonist and I draw an office comic of my own making. I’m not a pro but i would certainly do a free filler page or two if you ever need it :)

    Here’s a URL if you are curious :

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    Marko56  almost 11 years ago

    Don’t you guys ever plan ahead and draw the comics in advance for the vacations you’re planning? Most of the world’s workers do this, why not you? I’m not really interested in reading past comics. Better yet…just go blank for a week.

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  4. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  almost 11 years ago

    Is Maria taking some private bonding time with her sister?

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    rshive  almost 11 years ago

    Are we going to go back far enough to see Roy when he was thin?

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    feralglance  almost 11 years ago

    Thanks for the heads up.

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    katina.cooper  almost 11 years ago

    I got a better idea if it can be arranged. How about starting another strip from say, 2008? Working Daze Rewind or Revisited or something? Or, maybe even before that? A lot of us haven’t seen them that far back. They’re doing it with Calvin, Peanuts, Luann againn, Li’l Abner and a couple others. Any possibility of doing that?

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    ickymudd  almost 11 years ago

    Thank you, for the word. I enjoy seeing old, once done toons. Have a nice vacay. :)

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  9. Oat   character picture
    Hussell  almost 11 years ago

    Rawrtacular beat me to the punch, I was going to (and still am) make the same offer. I draw Oat, and though not professional, have done all right with some regular readers. I also sell cartoons to UBM Tech from time to time.

    Having said that, I do disagree with Marko56, as long as there are a few years in between I don’t mind seeing a rerun now and then. I saw ET more than once. As Clark Kent pointed out, we don’t remember them all or we missed some, or weren’t reading it yet.

    It is refreshing that you did let us know ahead of time instead of letting us get that daja vu feeling as we read it.

    As Rawtacualr did, I am giving some links to check my work.

    This is for Oat: OatAnd this is one of my freelance submissions:UBM

    I am sure you can also find a lot of talent on Sherpa and elsewhere that would be thrilled to show their work on your strip, paid or otherwise.

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  10. Franco s trattoria
    StoicLion1973  almost 11 years ago


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    Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 11 years ago

    The irony of the schedule is that new strips continued to appear while I was away, and the reruns are up now that I’m back, and working on new strips for next week. But no matter how many weeks ahead we work, to ensure new strips AND take a vacation means doubling up- and at some point doing two weeks’ worth in one. And we’ve done it that way too!

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  12. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 11 years ago

    Anyway, that’s a brand new drawing of Jay today. And I wrote the plug for Zach, so you know that it wasn’t just John tootin’ his own horn.

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    ChrisV  almost 11 years ago

    Thanks for the heads up. I also look forward to looking back on WD this week.

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  14. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  almost 11 years ago

    Be kind of nice to see some of the strips from before I started reading. (reading this strip!).

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