Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for February 16, 2014

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    L  about 11 years ago

    Probably came on when you were asking.

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    Jonathan Mason  about 11 years ago

    You actually do this in the US? Number your schools?

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    snowangel_22  about 11 years ago

    @PugliaThat was the entire point of the joke.

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    K M  about 11 years ago

    That’s why the school systems here bail by county (except for Baltimore County and its world-famous Hereford zone); and you not only listen for your county, you watch the screen and the ubiquitous lower-third ticker. Or, if your county has such a function, you sign up to get robocalled directly by your school system and find out before the media do.

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  5. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  about 11 years ago

    It’s very typical when I’m the phone with a reservationist for my wife to remind me to get some piece of information loudly enough that I can’t hear them give me that very piece.

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