Lisa Benson for April 17, 2014

  1. 1939 11 adventure neff
    Donaldo Premium Member about 10 years ago

    So racism mustn’t be mentioned because… there is no racism?

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    ConserveGov  about 10 years ago

    Race card, sexist card, wealth envy card……….The Party of Blame.

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  3. Artisinal toaster
    DoctorUmmmNo  about 10 years ago

    Wait till that headwind starts blowing at the Dems… #toosubtleforGoComics

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    Lexekon  about 10 years ago

    Re-Labeling issues rather than dealing with them honestly has become a new tactic.They no longer have voter suppression, they have protective safeguards to prevent voter fraud.In many ways, the ultimate impact of the system needs to be observed before conclusions can be drawn.And one side has learned, that possession of office, legitimate or otherwise, is a determining factor regarding keeping said office.

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    Wraithkin  about 10 years ago

    The best word I can use for the ‘race card’ that is being played by most democratic allies who are Melanin-blessed is disappointing. Are there racists in both parties? Unequivocally, yes. But does this ‘race baiting’ do anything positive? Equally, no. All it does is breed anger and hatred. And the disappointing part is that the liberal side of the house is using that anger to whip the ‘victims’ into a lather so they go vote. That’s the only purpose they are hoping to serve. If they wanted to have a real discussion about racism, they wouldn’t be embracing people who do nothing but preach hate (Sharpton). They should be embracing people like Dr. MLK Jr. THAT man was amazing. But all we have now are people who are driving the narrative to induce anger, not understanding. That is the real racism we have in this country today.

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    jespence97  about 10 years ago

    Republicans play the race card as trump.

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  7. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 10 years ago

    Playing the race card: Calling out racist behavior by racists.

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    Citing actual, true facts and statistics about how racism is alive and thriving is hardly playing the race card. It’s citing facts and statistics.

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    kline0800  about 10 years ago

    IMO Dems using “racism” against opponents is just their way of transferring their own racist guilt to others, without real evidence or proof…..(read the history of the D party!)

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    chazandru  about 10 years ago

    If the SCOTUS had not weakened laws that permitted vote restrictions, and if so many red states with supermajorities had not quickly moved to enact those restrictions, there would be no prevailing reason for the Democrats to motivate their base by simply pointing out what Republicans are doing. In several states I listed last week, the number of days in which people could vote early were reduced dramatically; Sunday voting was eliminated; absentee voting for non military was made more difficult. In other states, the number of voting machines being made available to precincts is being reduced, ostensibly to reduce costs, but when voting is the first and foremost right of Americans, their right of speech in selecting a representative, these machines should be more available, not less. I can continue and provide links to these actions and more if doing so might make those wishing such verification realize the fact that the Republicans have already played the race card by enacting laws that make it harder for non whites, young voters, and old people to vote.Be aware, all voters should have a pictured i.d. card provided to them at no cost, a card they can use to not only vote, but also to cash checks, provide proof of identity to police, and use credit cards. It should not be easy for fraudulent voters to vote or register to vote.However, the writings of the founding fathers would seem to indicate that after reasonable precautions have been taken, we should always err on the side of allowing access to the voting booth, rather than allowing fear to restrict such access.One other note, why is it that when liberals use the ‘race card’ to point out the above, it is a bad thing; but when conservatives state that whites are losing rights, access to services, and money to immigrants and blacks, it is a reasonable action that has nothing to do with playing a race card? Aren’t whites also a race? Though nearly every white cultural group that immigrated to the USA, from Irish to Jewish, and more, went through a time where the English descendants turned them away and warned how these ‘lower classes’ would destroy American society.So much hate, and for no reason. America has been strongest when we celebrated our diversity, and worked together to resolve our problems.Race is no longer the issue. Money is.The USA has become an oligarchy supported by a caste system built on wealth and the ability to accumulate and retain wealth without allowing it to trickle away or be taxed for the betterment of a nation’s infrastructure and people.Money decides who will be nominated, and sometimes who will be elected. Money decides who will have a good life, and who will never have a chance. Money is used to turn neighbor against neighbor and to bring the greatest government that the world has seen to its knees as cannibalistic politicians serve the money that keeps them in power rather than the people the Constitution and Bill of Rights tries to protect. Money makes it legal for corporations to poison the water, air, and food. Money decides who goes to jail and who remains free. Respectfully,C.

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  11. Shadow avatar
    Kevin Roth Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Oh, we ALL know that there’s no more racism in America, and pointing out that teapublicans are the most (not) racist (because there isn’t any more racism) is somehow shameful. Almost as shameful as benson is ignorant. Almost.

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  12. Warenbuffet
    poppops  about 10 years ago

    I’m not racist. I despise all races and nationalities equally.

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    NoCons  about 10 years ago

    Lisa, where do you keep your cartoons that make sense? Are they posted on a different site?

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