Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 25, 2014

  1. Time to sit back and watch the show
    cgrantt57 Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Ahh yes…dignity before death.

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    Comics fan Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Lucky Ducky lives in Texas huh.

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    kapock  almost 11 years ago

    Now H.H. will have to launch a whole other lobbying campaign in Washington to get the Medicaid expansion money he got his state to refuse paid to himself instead. Gotcha!

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  4. Grover cute face grover monster 20091754 555 500
    Grover Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Ah yes, the magic of “free” federal money, that doesn’t cost anyone anything! Let’s buy Lucky a porsche while we’re at it.

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    rwpikul  almost 11 years ago

    When a program ends up saving more than it costs1, it really does end up not costing anyone anything.

    1 To the tune of $40bn/year

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    kevin87031  almost 11 years ago

    Lucky Ducky wins again because the USA has the best health care in the world!!! He’ll just lose his house is all.

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    androgenoide  almost 11 years ago

    Many of the states refusing the expansion are already accepting more federal money than they pay in taxes and that’s apparently all right.

    I suppose it’s only the poor who need their dignity…

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    kaffekup   almost 11 years ago

    No, of course it’s not free. It’s fools like you who are already paying for it, but just too stupid to accept it. So it goes to other states who value a healthy populace. I’ d say thank you, but Georgia is too stupid too accept it, also.But what we do have is a legislature that tried to take that authority away from the governor, just in the unlikely case a Democrat beats him in November.

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