Or is Wabucks using his connections to achieve a better outcome ? I see his outer attitude as a “calm” one under fire, exuding self control, the way good leaders need to be. Not mawkish, teary-eyed or oversentimental when things go terribly wrong
In the comics you have good guys and bad guys (seldom anyone in-between). Warbucks is of course a good guy and it would be silly to believe he’s part of the Blue Circle.
Devonshade it is true he is a hard man, he has to be remember he earned what he has he is a self made man.
What do you want, he is doing what is best for his country, do you want him to start ranting and raving or cry his eyes out or do want him to get to work. . The ability to think of future generation when calculating pragmatic utilitarianism is what separates us from the animals. The world is not the way it is because of thugs, psychopaths, corrupt businessmen and politicians (who contrary to what fiction portrays are the exception not the rule) but because most people are too stupid to know what is best for them the extreme left and extreme right get caught up in their ideals and refuse to acknowledge brutal facts of reality no real world understanding of the extreme complexities of politics, economics, technological logistics, and how they’re all interconnected in the long run. People want everything right here right now the whole world just handed to them on a silver platter think just by complaining something will happen without a tangible plan. Such a plan will require a lot of long, hard, boring work all day every day for generations.
I’ve been away for a few weeks, today’s the first real chance to catch up here. I’ve got to say Annie has to be the most consistently good comic of her type. High quality, good characters, interesting story. Kudos to Slampyak and Maeder!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Ah, back to the Overdale papers…
Steve Bartholomew about 15 years ago
Is Mr Secretary with the Blue Circle??
JerryGorton about 15 years ago
and so the plot thickens!
sydney about 15 years ago
Or is Wabucks using his connections to achieve a better outcome ? I see his outer attitude as a “calm” one under fire, exuding self control, the way good leaders need to be. Not mawkish, teary-eyed or oversentimental when things go terribly wrong
In the comics you have good guys and bad guys (seldom anyone in-between). Warbucks is of course a good guy and it would be silly to believe he’s part of the Blue Circle.
Who the cap fits should wear it.
linsonl about 15 years ago
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much smoke come from one little cigar.
ecaacebackwards about 15 years ago
Thank you for defending Warbucks Sydney.
Devonshade it is true he is a hard man, he has to be remember he earned what he has he is a self made man.
What do you want, he is doing what is best for his country, do you want him to start ranting and raving or cry his eyes out or do want him to get to work. . The ability to think of future generation when calculating pragmatic utilitarianism is what separates us from the animals. The world is not the way it is because of thugs, psychopaths, corrupt businessmen and politicians (who contrary to what fiction portrays are the exception not the rule) but because most people are too stupid to know what is best for them the extreme left and extreme right get caught up in their ideals and refuse to acknowledge brutal facts of reality no real world understanding of the extreme complexities of politics, economics, technological logistics, and how they’re all interconnected in the long run. People want everything right here right now the whole world just handed to them on a silver platter think just by complaining something will happen without a tangible plan. Such a plan will require a lot of long, hard, boring work all day every day for generations.
Durak Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’ve been away for a few weeks, today’s the first real chance to catch up here. I’ve got to say Annie has to be the most consistently good comic of her type. High quality, good characters, interesting story. Kudos to Slampyak and Maeder!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Dypak, I’ve missed seeing your comments. Welcome back!
davidf42 about 6 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!
The sinister plot thickens.