Robert Ariail for April 27, 2014

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    Great take on it!

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  2. Pig
    jonesb  about 10 years ago

    What I got out of his statement was while slavery couldn’t break up black families, welfare did break up black families. Welfare has broken up a lot of other families besides black families, but essentially his comments were true.

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    kaffekup   about 10 years ago

    Excuse me, slavery broke up many black families, all to profit some rich white southerners. But if welfare breaks up a lot of other families, only blacks are to blame? And who set the system up? Who moved the jobs out of big cities? Who fled to mostly white suburbs?

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    Jason Allen  about 10 years ago

    How was he set up? Even if someone asked him what he thought of blacks or welfare recipients, he is the one who said those things on camera.

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    ARodney  about 10 years ago

    Slavery is never better than freedom. Even for “the negro.”

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  6. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    While there is a kernel of truth in saying “welfare rules” have indeed caused “single mothers” to remain so, to collect benefits, Bundy, and others, overlook the fact that I’ve observed, a lot of those broken “families” are WHITE folks! It is a problem also that folks get cut off as soon as they get a minimal job that won’t support them in local cost of living, rather than “weaning” folks off as they raise themselves up. Those total freeloaders (like my brother-in-law) who won’t get training, or a job, SHOULD be cut off after a certain period, at least to the point where they HAVE to seek employment to get any aid. In some of our localities however, that IS problem, due to automation in industry, export of jobs, and the fact that the “1%” don’t really give a squat to actually improving the ENTIRE economic structure in the U.S..

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    opus41  about 10 years ago


    I think that the breakup of black families comes from the Section-8 welfare requirement that there cannot be a “man,” (adult male) live-in in the house. Such circumstance negates the welfare benefits; the idea behind that is that the male should be working to provide for the family. All to often, only the female works, and the “man” doesn’t do much at all except live off of the rental & EBT assistance provided the “needy” family. I know. Inglewood, CA.

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  8. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 10 years ago

    97% of ‘conservative’ bigots give the rest a bad name.

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    kline0800  about 10 years ago
    Mr. Bundy’s answer to a reporter’s set-up Q, that I listened to, did not have anything remotely “racist” meaning “hate Blacks”! He was concerned about the decades ago results of government doles and housing (failures) that moved them into dependency and broken families due to Aid being more than low-income fathers earned….and promoting Abortion to lure more Blacks into the baby-klling clinics than Hispanics or Asians or Caucasians. Check the factual percentages. It’s true.

    -He was concerned that Liberals’ government subsidies made them generational dependents….children having children in fatherless homes. Even the Bible says “the borrower is servant to the loaner”…and the Government treats poor Blacks as if they were borrowers with no means to repay.-The Left sets traps and then misrepresents statements by the Not Left Americans caught in the Liberal Media’s target/scopes.

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    lonecat  about 10 years ago

    There’s no racism any more in the US. That’s all over. It’s just history. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a racist.

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    Uncle Joe Premium Member about 10 years ago

    “Create jobs at home and PAY A LIVING WAGE!”This. If you think the increases in abortion & unwed mothers aren’t good, you need to support workers. Pretending that labor hasn’t been devalued in favor of capital over the last 40 years is pretty much impossible. I don’t see how conservatives reconcile both issues without lying to themselves.

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  12. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 10 years ago

    Wow, a racist welfare queen. Is he the GOP front-runner for 2016 yet?

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  13. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    ^Just a note: thanks to Republicans and Conservatives in Congress, with complicity from several administrations writing regulations, even after a rancher is proven in flagrant violation of grazing regulations, and ordered off the land, he still has FIVE YEARS to comply. It takes five years to reduce grazing allotment numbers, regardless the damage. Nope, western welfare ranchers (mostly corporations) have long dominated laws and regulations to meet their “needs”.

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    kline0800  about 10 years ago

    @Braindead did not respond to the issue the cartoon is based on, and did not respond to my opinion that Cliven Bundy was not guilty of making the unforgivable ….a “RACIST” comment!-The Democrat’s “war on poverty” has negatively affected the PERSONS that were lured into meeting “rules” such as “no father in the home” that started an avalanche of broken families, multiple “fathers” who felt no obligation to support the mother or the children. That has no link to other government “spending” for farm or business aid or maintaining a defense for national security which is #1 priority of every administration. It is Congress and politics that created the vote-buying with tax revenues. The inanimate Economy is the victim, not human persons made dependent on and vote-loyal to officials who “bring home the bacon”!-Thanks to the Ultra Liberal Media, it is now a fate worse than death to citizens who mention “minorities” and who refuse to join the Parade of anti-God Socialist State Worship! Each person accused, Conservative, USSC Justice, Radio Talk Host, TV Chef, Sports team owner, defender against Land Grabbing federal agencies who do not respect citizen and property rights, is treated to practiced and honed Liberal Hate Talk. Hyprocrisy on Parade!

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